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tiled conservatory roofs

Will My Conservatory Support A Tiled Roof?

A tiled conservatory roof can provide a wide range of benefits to a property. From insulation to aesthetics there are several reasons to consider replacing your current roof with a tiled one. However, you might be wondering if the frame can support the weight. To help you decide if this is the right choice for you, we’ve put together a list of benefits and things to consider.

The Benefits Of A Tiled Conservatory Roof

A tiled conservatory roof is a great addition to any home. It provides a few significant advantages that can be found below in more detail:

Thermal Efficiency     

By installing a tile conservatory roof, you’re adding a great deal of thermal efficiency to your conservatory. A roof of this style comes insulated as standard and therefore helps to trap heat, meaning you’ll spend less on your energy bills. Not only this but with less of the sun’s rays bearing down, you’ll need to open the window less, resulting in a more consistent temperature.

Temperature Regulation

By replacing a polycarbonate conservatory roof with a tiled counterpart, you’re removing a large amount of glare and sunshine. As a result, your conservatory will become more temperate. Furthermore, these types of extensions are known for being extremely hot in the summer, and cold in the winter. By adding a tiled roof you’re allowing the room to be used all year round with a consistent, bearable heat.

Decorative Value

Another great benefit of a tiled conservatory roof is the decorative value it adds to your home. A roof of this style looks stronger and can be fitted with tiles that match the tiles of your home and the general aesthetic of its design. Tiles come in several different materials and colours for you to choose and customise.

Can My Conservatory Roof Hold The Weight?

What To Consider

The question of whether your conservatory can handle the weight of a tiled roof comes down to a few deciding factors. Often, most polycarbonate frames can hold a tiled roof if the following things are considered.


The age of your conservatory will play a big part in your roof replacement. If your extension is old and worn out then it may need some work to hold the weight. If you’re worried about this aspect, you can contact a structural engineer to assess the condition of your conservatory.

conservatory interior

Tile Material

A big aspect to consider when it comes to a tiled conservatory roof is the type of tile you use. Fortunately, tiles come in a variety of lightweight, cost-effective alternatives such as plastic composite. These tiles create the opportunity to install a roof on your conservatory that puts as little strain as possible on the polycarbonate structure. As a result, you can enjoy all the benefits of a tiled roof without worrying about structural issues.

tiled conservatory roofs

Choose Kempton Installations For High-Quality Tiled Conservatory Roofs

Our expert roofers are proficient in all roofing techniques to ensure any installation we carry out is to a high standard. If you’ve got a project you’d like to discuss, or simply need some roof repairs, get in touch with one of our team today.

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